Media Coverage

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Power BI Discovery

RISK ALERT: The Nokod Research Team discovered a data leakage vulnerability in Microsoft Power BI that could affect tens of thousands of organizations globally.

June 28, 2024

Nokod’s CTO, Amichai Shulman highlights the top security risks associated with RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and shares best practices for mitigating those risks in his latest article on SC Media.

This is a must-read if you use and need to secure automations created on platforms like UiPath, MS Power Automate, Automation Anywhere, Pega, or others.

June 26, 2024

Yair Finzi, CEO of Nokod Security, shares his security perspective on citizen development and the use of low-code no-code development platforms.

It is striking – and worrying – how the current AppSec stack and practices fail to monitor and secure the apps and automations created by citizen developers. Yair discusses some of the root causes in his article.

June 24, 2024

The vulnerability was reported to Microsoft by Nokod Security, but they consider it a feature rather than a security issue, while Power BI semantic models expose all underlying data, including hidden tables, columns, and detailed records, even when only aggregated data or a subset of the data is visualized in the report.

June 24, 2024

In this Forbes article, Yair Finzi, CEO of Nokod, discusses the risks of supply chain attacks in low-code/no-code development platforms (LCAP). Virtually all platforms include a marketplace for third-party components used in apps and automation created by citizen developers. Simple mistakes can lead to vulnerabilities and risks.

Security Week logo

June 21, 2024

Nokod has found a data leakage vulnerability in the Microsoft Power BI service. The security firm says the issue, which could affect tens of thousands of organizations, can allow attackers to access sensitive information such as employee and business data, and personally identifiable information.

Tech Radar Pro Logo

June 21, 2024

By Sead Fadilpašić.

When a user shares a report object with other people, those people can access all of the underlying raw data represented by the semantic model…

Help Net Security logo

June 17, 2024

By Amichai Shulman, CTO at Nokod.

Like a bad movie that seems to go on forever, SQL injection (SQLi) attacks have lingered since the late 1990s. Unfortunately, a new wave of SQLi attacks is emerging—and it’s taking a different trajectory than in the past. 

Dark Reading Logo

June 6, 2024

By Yair Finzi, CEO at Nokod.

In the rush to digital transformation, many organizations are exposed to security risks associated with citizen developer applications without even knowing it.

Help Net Security logo

May 3, 2024

Nokod Security launched the Nokod Security Platform, enabling organizations to protect against security threats, vulnerabilities, compliance issues, and misconfigurations introduced by LCNC applications and robotic process automations (RPAs).

MAR 24, 2024

Industry analyst and author Richard Stiennon discussing losing and gaining cybersecurity companies. “Israel based Nokod Security has been expanding steadily since taking in its $8 million in seed funding last year. 20% growth since January 1 for this company that protects enterprise use of nocode platforms.”

Dark Reading Logo

January 10, 2024

Start-up funding for new Israeli cybersecurity companies has plummeted — and market-watchers expect that to continue throughout 2024. By Dan Raywood, Senior Editor,  and with comments by Amichai Shulman, CTO and co-founder of Nokod Security.

December 18, 2023

Low-code/no-code (LCNC) and robotic process automation (RPA) have gained immense popularity, but how secure are they? Is your security team paying enough attention in an era of rapid digital transformation, where business users are empowered to create applications swiftly.

TechCrunch Logo

July 7, 2023

As Haje Jan Kamps tears down Nokod’s pitch deck, he remarks: “This is an example of a company that knows its strengths. In an early-stage company, a founding team that has an unfair advantage is a straight-up superpower. “

JUNE 29, 2023

[In Hebrew] Yair Finzi and Amichai Shulman founded Nokod Security, which warns of code weaknesses and offers solutions: “Users make a lot of mistakes; a new attack surface has been created in the organization.”

Silicon Angle News Logo

JUNE 29, 2023

By Duncan Riley. 

“Nokod was designed to empower businesses with a platform to manage cybersecurity and compliance risks stemming from their low-code/no-code custom applications and RPA by streamlining security in the application lifecycle.”

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